Ketamine for Bipolar Disorder

If bipolar disorder is a part of your life, you know how truly debilitating it can be. According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, 5.7 million Americans are trying to manage a bipolar disorder. Traditional treatments may work well for some, but others experience limited relief or find relief at the high cost of significant side effects. Both bipolar disorder and the side effects associated with traditional medications can have serious impacts on your quality of life.
At Alternativ Total Wellness, we are dedicated to providing the life-changing, cutting-edge treatment you need so that you can restore your ability to enjoy everyday life.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a complex mood disorder characterized by periods of high highs and deep lows. These swings can make your everyday life difficult and can impede your ability to lead a normal life. Bipolar Disorder symptoms make it difficult to diagnose, particularly since it often co-occurs with other mental health disorders like anxiety, eating disorders or addiction.
What are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
Though Bipolar Disorder is often associated with mood swings, it is often diagnosed with more complex symptoms including:
• Manic Episodes
During manic episodes, you may feel intense euphoria and high energy. It feels like a really high high. Often, the people around you will notice this.
• Hypomania
In a hypomanic episode, you won’t feel the same level of euphoria and energy as you would during a manic episode. However, people close to you may still notice a change in your behavior.


• Depressive Episodes
During a depressive episode, you may experience lethargy, irritability, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, changes to sleep and eating patterns, or other behavioral changes. If you are experiencing a particularly severe episode, you may require hospitalization.

bipolar man

There are two recognized forms of bipolar disorder:
• Type 1 Bipolar Disorder
Type 1 bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of mania that last at least seven days. In some cases, episodes of mania may require hospitalization. You may also experience depressive episodes that last two weeks or more.

• Type 2 Bipolar Disorder
Type 2 bipolar disorder is characterized by major depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode. Essentially, people with type 2 bipolar disorder experience low lows and mild to moderate highs that don’t often require hospitalization.

How Does Ketamine Therapy Work for Bipolar Disorder?

Ketamine is believed to work by repairing the physical structures within your brain. It is believed that Ketamine can reduce and rebalance your cortisol levels and increase the production of the neurotransmitter glutamate.

It often provides almost instant relief from the depressive phase. Studies show that ketamine can reduce the length and severity of bipolar-related depressive episodes.

Ketamine for BPD

Ketamine Therapy for Bipolar Disorder in South Jersey

Bipolar Disorder can truly be debilitating and make living a “normal life” impossible. If you are not having success with traditional treatments like mood stabilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics, you should try an alternative that shows promising results. Ketamine is shown to be successful in treating the depressive phase of bipolar and can even be used in conjunction with your ongoing treatments.

At Alternativ Total Wellness, we offer a kind, caring environment. You will receive a low dose of Ketamine through an IV. During your infusion, you may experience disassociation and altered perception. Some may experience nausea once the infusion is complete, but these side effects will subside quickly.

Through your treatment, we will work with your mental health care providers to ensure your safety. Oftentimes, patients complement ketamine infusions with sustainable lifestyle changes and psychotherapy for the best success.

If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you are a candidate for Ketamine Therapy, especially if you have a history of severe depressive episodes, violent outbursts and treatment-resistant symptoms. Contact us today for a consultation.

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