PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is not a diagnosis to be taken lightly. Ketamine has been a life-changing treatment for some people who deal with PTSD. Studies show that it is a particularly effective treatment for people with intense symptoms and people who are experiencing limited or no success with traditional medications.
What is PTSD?
PTSD is a mental health condition that occurs after you have experienced a traumatic event. These events can be anything from a car accident to front-line military combat. Though it is most commonly associated with first responders and military personnel, anyone can develop PTSD. Because it is commonly accompanied by depression and anxiety, PTSD can be difficult to diagnose and treat. If you think you suffer from PTSD, seeking help is imperative to your quality of life.
What Are The Symptoms of PTSD?
PTSD can be an insufferable condition that impacts every aspect of your life. If you have PTSD, it can become nearly impossible to lead a “normal life.”
If you have PTSD, you are likely experiencing one or more of the following:
Constant alertness or feeling on edge
This can cause you to be quick to anger or anxiety; have disturbed sleep and rest patterns and decreased cognitive function.
Reliving the traumatic experience
Sometimes referred to as “flashbacks,” these are episodes in which you relive the moment of trauma, including feelings of pain, mental distress and other physical symptoms. Nightmares and other intrusive thoughts fall into this category as well.

Feelings of distrust
Experiencing strong feelings of “otherness,” feeling as if nobody understands your experience and nobody can be trusted. This can include feelings of blame and guilt for the traumatizing incident.
Avoidance of memories or triggers:
Taking extreme steps to avoid any memory, feeling, or sensation that would trigger the memory of the traumatizing event. This can take the form of emotionally disconnecting from yourself and loved ones, abusing alcohol or other substances, or taking extreme and reckless risks.

How Does Ketamine Therapy Work for PTSD?
Traditional treatment plans for PTSD include SSRIs and SNRIs. These medications, developed to treat depression, work by increasing the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. However, these medications have limited success in actually treating PTSD symptoms. Ketamine, however, is a safe and fast-acting alternative to traditionally prescribed medications, especially while you’re transitioning medications. The rapid relief that ketamine often provides makes it a valuable tool in your toolbox.
Ketamine therapy works helps to manage PTSD two ways by controlling cortisol levels and increasing glutamate production.
Controlling cortisol is vital when treating PTSD because it’s the “stress hormone.” When you’re in stressful situations, your body will release cortisol, but it can’t tell the difference between staring down a life-threatening situation and giving a speech in front of an audience; your body just releases cortisol. By balancing out the levels of cortisol in your brain, the quantity and quality of neural connections are thought to improve.
Research indicates that ketamine stimulates your natural production of glutamate, which is believed to repair and develop new neural connections.
Ketamine Therapy for PTSD in South Jersey
If you are experiencing PTSD - especially if you haven’t responded well to other treatments – you are probably a candidate for Ketamine Therapy.

At Alternativ Total Wellness, your recovery is our primary objective. When you enter our clinic, you will find yourself in a safe, calming, and nonjudgmental environment. Your care provider will administer a low dose of ketamine through an IV.
Many patients feel relaxed during their infusion. You may experience disassociation, perception changes and nausea. These should subside quickly following your infusion. Many patients find relief within hours of their infusion. Contact us today for a consultation.